My daughter is a huge fan of Youtube bloggers. She’s hooked. Most days, after school, she’ll come home, turn on her laptop and catch up on the latest videos from the likes of Zoella, The Saccone Jolly’s, The Eh Bee Family and Tanya Burr. So when she found out that Tanya would be appearing at a book signing at Waterstones Liverpool to promote her new book, Tanya Bakes, we just had to go.
I’d heard of Tanya, and have followed her work myself for just over a year… but when we arrived at Liverpool, we had no idea that there would be so many people queued up to meet her. It was insane. There were hundreds of teenage girls all lined up for a chance to get a selfie with their favourite blogger.
After queing for about two and a half hours we finally got to the end of the line, where a member of staff handed us a copy of the book. The cost of our tickets included a copy so they were great value for money. Holly was so excited as it was all real. It all seemed a littl ecrazy though, there were security guards ushering us through, telling us to have our phones ready to take a picture and our books open to the right page. We finally got to Tanya and must have been with her for a minute. Holly got her booked signed and got a selfie with her. Even though, personally I wouldn’t have bothered to go through all that, seeing how happy this made Holly was totally worth it, and Tanya seemed absolutley lovely. She told Holly she liked her top and gave her a hug after they’d taken their pictures. She was well and truly star struck.
After we were done with the book signing we’d planned to hit some of the museums as Liverpool has so many fun things for kids to do but we were just exhausted so we headed home. Holly even slept throughout the entire train ride.
The book, Tanya Bakes, looks amazing. The recipes look so tasty. There are some new things I’ve never seen before and also a few old favourites with her twist added. I haven’t baked anything from it just yet but since we still have a few weeks left of the summer holidays, I’m sure we’ll be having a couple of baking days to try out her recipes.